Liste publications
Monographies :
1. Maier, H., Gampe, J., Jeune, B., Vaupel, J. W., & Robine, J.-M. (2010). Supercentenarians. Springer.
2. Maier, H., Jeune, B., & Vaupel, J. W. (2021). Exceptional lifespans. Springer Nature.
Livres et chapitres de livres :
3. Altman, B. M. (2016). International measurement of disability: purpose, method and application (Vol. 61). Springer.
4. Arai, Y., Takayama, M., Inagaki, H., Gondo, Y., Masui, Y., & Hirose, N. (2015). Centenarian studies: An interdisciplinary research on healthy longevity. In Aging Mechanisms (pp. 31–49). Springer.
5. Bourbeau, R., & Desjardins, B. (2007). Mortality at extreme ages and data quality: The Canadian experience. In Human Longevity, Individual Life Duration, and the Growth of the Oldest-Old Population (pp. 167–185). Springer.
6. Bruzzone, S., Barbi, E., & Caselli, G. (2010). Italian supercentenarians: Age validation of deaths from 1969 to 2000. In Supercentenarians (pp. 137–150). Springer.
7. Cordella, M., & Poiani, A. (2021). Ageing in Better Mental Health. In Fulfilling Ageing (pp. 201–354). Springer.
8. Cournil, A., Robine, J.-M., Maier, H., Gampe, J., & Vaupel, J. W. (2010). The international database on longevity: structure and contents. In Supercentenarians (pp. 31–40). Springer.
9. Denuit, M., Hainaut, D., & Trufin, J. (2019). Extreme Value Models. In Effective Statistical Learning Methods for Actuaries I (pp. 401–441). Springer.
10. Finkelstein, M., & Cha, J. H. (2013). Heterogeneous Populations. In Stochastic Modeling for Reliability (pp. 143–200). Springer.
11. García González, J. M. (2015). La transformación de la longevidad en España de 1910 a 2009 (Vol. 290). CIS-Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas.
12. Gómez-Redondo, R., & Domènech, R. (2021). A Life Cycle of Extreme Survival Spanning Three Stages: Ana Vela Rubio (1901–2017). In Exceptional Lifespans (pp. 267–283). Springer, Cham.
13. Gómez-Redondo, R., & Domènech, R. (2021). A Life Cycle of Extreme Survival Spanning Three Stages: Ana Vela Rubio (1901–2017). In Exceptional Lifespans (pp. 267–283). Springer, Cham.
14. Gómez-Redondo, R., & González, J. M. G. (2010). Emergence and verification of supercentenarians in Spain. In Supercentenarians (pp. 151–171). Springer.
15. Jdanov, D. A., Shkolnikov, V. M., & Gellers-Barkmann, S. (2021). The International Database on Longevity: Data Resource Profile. In Exceptional Lifespans (pp. 13–25). Springer, Cham.
16. Jeune, B., Robine, J.-M., Young, R., Desjardins, B., Skytthe, A., & Vaupel, J. W. (2010). Jeanne Calment and her successors. Biographical notes on the longest living humans. In Supercentenarians (pp. 285–323). Springer.
17. Kestenbaum, B. (2021). Semi-supercentenarians in the United States. In Exceptional Lifespans (pp. 191–201). Springer, Cham.
18. Kestenbaum, B., & Ferguson, B. R. (2010). Supercentenarians in the United States. In Supercentenarians (pp. 43–58). Springer.
19. Kondapaka, M., & Kheirbek, R. E. (2023). Supercentenarians. In Current Perspectives on Centenarians: Introduction to Lifespan and Healthspan (pp. 243–256). Springer.
20. Le Bourg, É. (2012). Introduction à la biogérontologie–approche critique. Lavoisier.
21. Lenart, A., Aburto, J. M., Stockmarr, A., & Vaupel, J. W. (2021). The human longevity record may hold for decades: Jeanne Calment’s extraordinary record is not evidence for an upper limit to human lifespan. In Exceptional Lifespans (pp. 49–55). Springer, Cham.
22. Maier, H., & Scholz, R. (2010). Age validation of persons aged 105 and above in Germany. In Supercentenarians (pp. 173–189). Springer.
23. Mallock, W., Riege, U., & Stahl, M. (2016). Datenbanken. In Informationsressourcen für die Sozialwissenschaften (pp. 201–259). Springer.
24. Mallock, W., Riege, U., & Stahl, M. (2016a). Institutionen. In Informationsressourcen für die Sozialwissenschaften (pp. 11–63). Springer.
25. Meslé, F., & Vallin, J. (2021). Causes of death at very old ages, including for supercentenarians. In Exceptional Lifespans (pp. 69–84). Springer, Cham.
26. Meslé, F., Vallin, J., Robine, J.-M., Desplanques, G., & Cournil, A. (2010b). Is it possible to measure life expectancy at 110 in France? In Supercentenarians (pp. 231–245). Springer.
27. Meslé, F., Vallin, J., Robine, J.-M., Desplanques, G., & Cournil, A. (2010). Supercentenarians in France. In Supercentenarians (pp. 119–136). Springer.
28. Nay, R., & Garratt, S. (2009). Nursing older people: issues and innovations. Elsevier Health Sciences.
29. Olson, C. (2017). A proposal for a symbolic interpretation of patriarchal lifespans. Dallas Theological Seminary.
30. Ouellette, N., Meslé, F., Vallin, J., & Robine, J.-M. (2021). Supercentenarians and Semi-supercentenarians in France. In Exceptional Lifespans (pp. 105–123). Springer, Cham.
31. Poulain, M. (2010). On the age validation of supercentenarians. In Supercentenarians (pp. 3–30). Springer.
32. Poulain, M. (2019). Individual longevity versus population longevity. In Centenarians (pp. 53–70). Springer.
33. Poulain, M., & Mackowicz, J. (2021). Positive Ageing and Learning from Centenarians: Living Longer and Better. Routledge.
34. Robine, J., & Jagger, C. (2003). What do we know about the cognitive status of supercentenarians? In Brain and Longevity (pp. 145–152). Springer.
35. Robine, J.-M. (2007). Research issues on human longevity. In Human longevity, individual life duration, and the growth of the oldest-old population (pp. 7–42). Springer.
36. Rocchi, P. (2017). Reliability is a New Science: Gnedenko Was Right. Springer.
37. Saito, Y. (2010). Supercentenarians in Japan. In Supercentenarians (pp. 75–99). Springer.
38. Siegel, J. S. (2012). Concepts and Theories of Longevity. In The Demography and Epidemiology of Human Health and Aging (pp. 685–729). Springer.
39. Singer, M. A. (2017). Understanding Aging after Darwin. In Aging: Exploring a Complex Phenomenon (pp. 23–40). CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 ….
40. Skiadas, C. H., & Skiadas, C. (2018a). The Health Status of a Population Estimated: The History of Health State Curves. In Demography and Health Issues (pp. 3–13). Springer.
41. Skiadas, C. H., & Skiadas, C. (2018b). Remarks and Findings on “Evidence for a Limit to Human Life Span.” In Exploring the Health State of a Population by Dynamic Modeling Methods (pp. 157–174). Springer.
42. Stone, L. F. (2003). Studies in the demography of supercentenarians in the United States. University of Pennsylvania.
43. Teixeira, L., Araújo, L., Paúl, C., & Ribeiro, O. (2020a). Centenarian Studies Across Europe. In Centenarians (pp. 53–65). Springer.
44. Teixeira, L., Araújo, L., Paúl, C., & Ribeiro, O. (2020a). Profiling European Centenarians. In Centenarians (pp. 21–51). Springer.
45. Teixeira, L., Araújo, L., Paúl, C., & Ribeiro, O. (2020b). Centenarians: A European Overview. Springer.
46. Teixeira, L., Araújo, L., Paúl, C., & Ribeiro, O. (2020b). Methodological Note. In Centenarians (pp. 9–19). Springer.
47. Villavicencio, F., & Aburto, J. M. (2021). Does the risk of death continue to rise among supercentenarians? In Exceptional Lifespans (pp. 37–48). Springer, Cham.
48. Wagner, P. (2011). Vitality heterogeneity in the strehler-mildvan theory of mortality. Max-Planck-Inst. für Demografische Forschung.
49. Wessig, K. (2015). Das mobile Internet und seine mögliche Bedeutung für die Zukunftsmärkte alternder sich wandelnder Gesellschaften. In Marktplätze im Umbruch (pp. 483–493). Springer.
50. Young, R. (2010). Age 115 or more in the United States: Fact or fiction? In Supercentenarians (pp. 247–284). Springer.
51. Young, R. D. (2021). 113 in 1928? Validation of Delina Filkins as the First “Second-Century Teenager.” In Exceptional Lifespans (pp. 241–255). Springer, Cham.
52. Zarota, Z. (2010). Starzenie się i starość: w wymiarze instytucjonalnego wsparcia na przykładzie Krakowa. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków.
Articles de presse :
53. Alvarez, J.-A., Villavicencio, F., Strozza, C., & Camarda, C. G. (2021). Regularities in human mortality after age 105. PloS one, 16(7), e0253940.
54. Arai, Y., Inagaki, H., Takayama, M., Abe, Y., Saito, Y., Takebayashi, T., et al. (2014). Physical independence and mortality at the extreme limit of life span: supercentenarians study in Japan. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences, 69(4), 486–494.
55. Arsić, I., & Mentus, V. (2020). Promišljanja aktuelnih društvenih izazova: regionalni i globalni kontekst.
56. Bajtelsmit, V. L., & Wang, T. (2018). Household financial planning strategies for managing longevity risk. Financial Planning Review, 1(1–2), e1007.
57. Barbi, E., Lagona, F., Marsili, M., Vaupel, J. W., & Wachter, K. W. (2018). The plateau of human mortality: Demography of longevity pioneers. Science, 360(6396), 1459–1461.
58. Belzile, L. R. (2023). An R Package for Modelling Excess Lifetimes. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.09971.
59. Belzile, L. R., Davison, A. C., Gampe, J., Rootzén, H., & Zholud, D. (2021). Is there a cap on longevity? A statistical review. arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.07843.
60. Belzile, L. R., Davison, A. C., Rootzén, H., & Zholud, D. (2020). Human mortality at extreme age. arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.04507.
61. Blanpain, N., & Chardon, O. (2019). Projections de population 2007-2060 pour la France métropolitaine: méthode et principaux résultats, n° F1008.
62. Bonnet, C., Cambois, E., & Fontaine, R. (2021). Dynamiques, enjeux démographiques et socioéconomiques du vieillissement dans les pays à longévité élevée. Population, 76(2), 225–325.
63. Bonnet, C., Cambois, E., Fontaine, R., Dutreuilh, C., & van Hoorn Alkema, B. (2021). Population Ageing in High-Longevity Countries: Demographic Dynamics and Socio-economic Challenges. Population, 76(2), 217–310.
64. Braaksma, B. (2016). MODERNISATION AT STATISTICS NETHERLANDS: A STRATEGIC AGENDA. Eesti Statistika Kvartalikiri.
65. Brown, N. J., Albers, C. J., & Ritchie, S. J. (2017). Contesting the evidence for limited human lifespan. Nature, 546(7660), E6–E7.
66. Brown, R. L. (2012). H. Maier, J. Gampe, B. Jeune, JM. Robine, and J. Vaupel (Eds.). 2010. Supercentenarians. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Canadian Studies in Population [ARCHIVES], 39(1–2), 135–140.
67. Camarda, C. G. (2022). The curse of the plateau. Measuring confidence in human mortality estimates at extreme ages. Theoretical Population Biology, 144, 24–36.
68. Camarda, C. G., Dang, L. H. K., Meslé, F., Robine, J.-M., & Vallin, J. (2020). RE: Premature claim of a plateau of human mortality: the role of sample size.
69. Camarda, G. (2021). Regularities in human mortality after age 105.
70. Carey, J. R. (2010). Heiner Maier, Jutta Gampe, Bernard Jeune, Jean‐Marie Robine, and James W. Vaupel (eds.): Supercentenarians.
71. Caselli, G., Battaglini, M., & Capacci, G. (2018). Journal of Ageing Science.
72. Caselli, G., Battaglini, M., & Capacci, G. (2020). Beyond one hundred: A cohort analysis of Italian centenarians and semisupercentenarians. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 75(3), 591–600.
73. Cheung, S. L. K., ROBINE, J. M., & Caselli, G. (2008). The use of cohort and period data to explore changes in adult longevity in low mortality countries. Genus, 101–129.
74. Cheung, S. L. K., Robine, J.-M., Paccaud, F., & Marazzi, A. (2009). Dissecting the compression of mortality in Switzerland, 1876-2005. Demographic Research, 21, 569–598.
75. Cheung, S. L. K., Robine, J.-M., Tu, E. J.-C., & Caselli, G. (2005). Three dimensions of the survival curve: Horizontalization, verticalization, and longevity extension. Demography, 42(2), 243–258.
76. COLES, T. O. L. (n.d.). Searching for the Secrets Of the Super Old.
77. Córdoba Castillo, V. (2018). El envejecimiento del envejecimiento: un estudio sobre personas nonagenarias y centenarias en Valencia.
78. Córdoba Castillo, V., & Pinazo-Hernandis, S. (2016). Una revisión de la investigación en centenarios: factores psicosociales en la extrema longevidad. Búsqueda, 3(1), 1–17.
79. da Silva Patrício, S. (2013). A Longevidade Excecional: Estudo Sobre a Qualidade de Vida das Pessoas Centenárias da Beira Interior.
80. Dang, H. K. L., Meslé, F., & Ouellette, N. (n.d.). Risques de décès aux âges extrêmes de la vie Premiers résultats sur la population française, belge et canadienne-française.
81. Dang, L. H. K., Camarda, C. G., Ouellette, N., Meslé, F., Robine, J.-M., & Vallin, J. (2023). The question of the human mortality plateau. Demographic Research, 48, 321–338.
82. Davison, A. (2018). “The life of man, solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short”: Discussion of the paper by Rootzen and Zholud. Extremes, 21(ARTICLE), 365–372.
83. de Grey, A. D. (2017). Response to Milholland et al.(Rejuvenation Res. 2017; 20: 437–440). Rejuvenation research, 20(5), 440–441.
84. Doblhammer, G. (2006). Das Alter ist weiblich. Der Gynäkologe, 39(5), 346–353.
85. Doblhammer, G., Scholz, R., & Maier, H. (2005). Month of birth and survival to age 105+: Evidence from the age validation study of German semi-supercentenarians. Experimental Gerontology, 40(10), 829–835.
86. Dong, X., Milholland, B., & Vijg, J. (2016). Evidence for a limit to human lifespan. Nature, 538(7624), 257–259.
87. Duthé, G., Samuel, O., & Solaz, A. (2021). Overview of a Population Question. Population, 76(2), 210.
88. Erten-Lyons, D., Sherbakov, L. O., Piccinin, A. M., Hofer, S. M., Dodge, H. H., Quinn, J. F., et al. (2012). Review of selected databases of longitudinal aging studies. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 8(6), 584–589.
89. Feifel, J., Genz, M., & Pauly, M. (2017). Who wants to live forever? An analysis of the maximum lifespan in the US. Preprint: Institute of Statistics, Ulm University.
90. Feifel, J., Genz, M., & Pauly, M. (2018). The Myth of Immortality: An Analysis of the Maximum Lifespan of US Females. Preprint, Ulm University and Institute for Finance-and Actuarial Science, Ulm. url: https://www. ifa-ulm. de/fileadmin/user upload/download/forschung/2018 ifa Feifel-etal The-Myth-of-Immortality-An Analysis-of-the-Maximum-Lifespan-of-US-Females. pdf.
91. Ferreira, A., & Huang, F. (2018). Is human life limited or unlimited?(A discussion of the paper by Holger Rootzén and Dmitrii Zholud). Extremes, 21(3), 373–382.
92. Finch, C. E., Beltrán-Sánchez, H., & Crimmins, E. M. (2014). Uneven futures of human lifespans: Reckonings from Gompertz mortality rates, climate change, and air pollution. Gerontology, 60(2), 183–188.
93. Finkelstein, M. (2012). On ordered subpopulations and population mortality at advanced ages. Theoretical population biology, 81(4), 292–299.
94. Fletcher, M. (2021). Probability puzzle: Classroom bingo. Significance, 18(6), 7–7.
96. Furber, J. (2018). SYSTEMS BIOLOGY OF HUMAN AGING-NETWORK MODEL 2018. Innovation in Aging, 2(suppl_1), 888–888.
97. Gardes, L., Maistre, S., & Podgorny, A. (2023). Asymptotic confidence intervals for extreme quantiles in a maximum domain of attraction.
98. Gavrilov, L. A., & Gavrilova, N. S. (2011). Mortality measurement at advanced ages: a study of the Social Security Administration Death Master File. North American actuarial journal, 15(3), 432–447.
99. Gavrilova, N. S., & Gavrilov, L. A. (2015). Biodemography of old-age mortality in humans and rodents. Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences, 70(1), 1–9.
100. Gavrilova, N. S., & Gavrilov, L. A. (2020). Are we approaching a biological limit to human longevity? The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 75(6), 1061–1067.
101. Gavrilova, N. S., Gavrilov, L. A., & Krut’ko, V. N. (2017). Mortality trajectories at exceptionally high ages: A study of supercentenarians. Living to 100 monograph, 2017(1B).
102. Gavrilova, N., & Gavrilov, L. (2018). Testing the limit to human lifespan hypothesis with data on supercentenarians. Innovation in Aging, 2(Suppl 1), 888.
103. Gbari, S., Denuit, M., & Trufin, J. (n.d.). QUAND VILFREDO PARETO RENCONTRE JEANNE CALMENT….
104. Gbari, S., Poulain, M., Dal, L., & Denuit, M. (2017). Extreme value analysis of mortality at the oldest ages: a case study based on individual ages at death. North American Actuarial Journal, 21(3), 397–416.
105. Geddes, L. (2016). Human age limit claim sparks debate. Nature News.
106. Gibbs, P., & Zak, N. (n.d.). Review of Longevity Validations at Extreme Ages.
107. Goldstein, J. R., Osborne, M., Atherwood, S., & Breen, C. F. (2022). Mortality Modeling of Partially Observed Cohorts Using Administrative Death Records.
108. Gonçalves, M., & Weon, B. M. (2023). Limits to lifespan growth. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 1037544.
109. González, J. M. G., & Marín, R. G. (2018). Evaluación de la calidad de las estadísticas españolas de mortalidad a edades avanzadas. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, (76), 455–478.
110. Güttler, J., Shah, R., Georgoulas, C., & Bock, T. (2015). Unobtrusive tremor detection and measurement via human-machine interaction. Procedia Computer Science, 63, 467–474.
111. Huang, F., Maller, R., Milholland, B., & Ning, X. (2021). A Mixture Model Incorporating Individual Heterogeneity in Human Lifetimes. bioRxiv.
112. Huang, F., Maller, R., Milholland, B., & Ning, X. (2022a). A Proposal for Finite But Unbounded Human.
113. Hughes, B. G., & Hekimi, S. (2017). Many possible maximum lifespan trajectories. Nature, 546(7660), E8–E9.
114. Jagger, C. (2005). The relationship between increasing life expectancy and healthy life expectancy.
115. Jasilionis, D., & Jdanov, D. A. (2020). Health and Survival in the Elderly: Causes of Death, Disability, and Health Expectancy in Global Perspective. Handbook of Global Health, 1–20.
116. Kapralska, Ł., Maksymowicz, A., & Mamak-Zdanecka, M. (2019). Starość niepokorna: o niektórych niestereotypowych rolach seniorów. Humanizacja Pracy, (3 (297)).
117. Kashnitsky, I. (2016). A Cohort is Not Representative of Humanity: Review of’Evidence for a Limit to Human Lifespan’. Publons, DOI, 10.
118. Kashnitsky, I. (2017). A cohort is not representative of humanity.
119. Kašpar, D. (2012). Vybrané teoretické a analytické přístupy demografie k úmrtnosti v nejvyšších věcích: ilustrace na vybraných státech.
120. Keiding, N. (2018). Comments to Rootzén & Zholud: Human life is unlimited–but short. Extremes, 21(3), 383–386.
121. Klüsener, S., & Scholz, R. D. (2013). Regional hot spots of exceptional longevity in Germany. Vienna yearbook of population research, 137–163.
122. Lan Karen Cheung, S., & Robine, J.-M. (2007). Increase in common longevity and the compression of mortality: The case of Japan. Population studies, 61(1), 85–97.
123. Le Bourg, É. (2012). Fantasmes autour du vieillissement et de la longévité.
124. Le Bourg, E. (2012). Forecasting continuously increasing life expectancy: what implications? Ageing research reviews, 11(2), 325–328.
125. Lenart, A., & Vaupel, J. W. (2017). Questionable evidence for a limit to human lifespan. Nature, 546(7660), E13–E14.
126. Lenart, A., Aburto, J. M., Stockmarr, A., & Vaupel, J. W. (2018). The human longevity record may hold for decades. arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.03732.
127. Leslie, M. (2008). Searching for the secrets of the super old.
128. Li, H., Tan, K. S., Tuljapurkar, S., & Zhu, W. (2021). Gompertz law revisited: Forecasting mortality with a multi-factor exponential model. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 99, 268–281.
129. Maier, H. (n.d.). Bernard Jeune James W. Vaupel.
130. Maier, H., Scholz, R., & für demografische Forschung, M. (2003). Aktuelle Sterblichkeitsentwicklungen und extreme Langlebigkeit. CD-ROM „Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, 229–235.
131. Marinković, I. (2016). Разлике у смртности становништва Србије по полу.
132. Marinković, I. (2020). Zašto muškarci žive kraće od žena?
133. McCarthy, D., & Wang, P.-L. (2023). Mortality postponement and compression at older ages in human cohorts. PLoS One, 18(3), e0281752.
134. MESTO, V. S. N., & MESTO, F. Z. Z. V. N. (2015). Celostna obravnava pacienta: Starostnik v zdravstvenem in socialnem varstvu.
135. Middeke, M. (2016). Die Sache Makropoulos oder der Albtraum vom ewigen Leben. DMW-Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift, 141(25), 1850–1853.
136. Milholland, B., Dong, X., & Vijg, J. (2017). “Best-Guess” MRAD Provides Robust Evidence for a Limit to Human Lifespan: Reply to de Grey (Rejuvenation Res. 2017; 20: 261–262). Rejuvenation research, 20(5), 437–440.
137. Milholland, B., Dong, X., & Vijg, J. (2018). The shortness of human life constitutes its limit. arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.04024.
138. Milidonis, A. (2015). Multi-population mortality risk in Asia-Pacific. Available at SSRN 2660691.
139. Missov, T. I., & Finkelstein, M. (2011). Admissible mixing distributions for a general class of mixture survival models with known asymptotics. Theoretical population biology, 80(1), 64–70.
140. Missov, T. I., & Vaupel, J. W. (2015). Mortality implications of mortality plateaus. siam REVIEW, 57(1), 61–70.
141. Missov, T. I., Patricio, S. C., & Villavicencio, F. (2023). Improvements in Age-Specific Mortality at the Oldest Ages. arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.16696.
142. Mook Weon, B. (2004). Demographic trajectories for supercentenarians. arXiv e-prints, q-bio.
143. Muth, E., & Doblhammer, G. (2007). MicMac-Bridging the micro-macro gap in population forecasting Part of Deliverable 18. Future Trends in morbidity and mortality in Europe.
144. Nepomuceno, M. R., & Turra, C. M. (2017). The proliferation of centenarians in Brazil: Indirect estimations using alternative approaches. Anais, 1–27.
145. Nepomuceno, M. R., & Turra, C. M. (2020). The population of centenarians in Brazil: historical estimates from 1900 to 2000. Population and Development Review, 46(4), 813–833.
146. Newman, S. J. (2020). Supercentenarian and remarkable age records exhibit patterns indicative of clerical errors and pension fraud. bioRxiv, 704080.
147. Newman, S., & Easteal, S. (2017). The dynamic upper limit of human lifespan. F1000Research, 6.
148. Olson, C. (2017). How Old was Father Abraham? Re-examining the Patriarchal Lifespans in Light of Archaeology.
149. Osorio-Parraguez, P., Luco, I. N., Gutiérrez, B. R., & Vergara, A. J. (2022). Mujeres centenarias en Chile: diversidad e interseccionalidad en la longevidad femenina. Polis (Santiago), 21(63), 148–166.
150. Ouellette, N., & Bourbeau, R. (2014). Measurement of mortality among centenarians in Canada. Living to 100 Monograph, 17.
151. Party, H. A. M. W. (2015). Continuous Mortality Investigation Limited.
152. Patrício, S. da S. (2013). A longevidade excecional: estudo sobre a qualidade de vida das pessoas centenárias da Beira Interior.
153. Pearce, M., & Raftery, A. E. (2021). Probabilistic forecasting of maximum human lifespan by 2100 using Bayesian population projections. Demographic Research, 44, 1271–1294.
154. Pearce, M., & Raftery, A. E. (2021b). Will this be a record‐breaking century for human longevity? Significance, 18(6), 6–7.
155. Poulain, M. (2011). Exceptional longevity in Okinawa: A plea for in-depth validation. Demographic research, 25, 245–284.
156. Poulain, M. (2016). THE FUTURE OF LONGEVITY. Eesti Statistika Kvartalikiri.
157. Poulain, M., & Herm, A. (2021). Blue Zone. Positive Ageing and Learning from Centenarians: Living Longer and Better.
158. Poulain, M., & Herm, A. (2021). Blue zone. Positive Ageing and Learning from Centenarians: Living Longer and Better.
159. Poulain, M., Herm, A., & Pes, G. (2016a). Blue Zones: aires de longévité exceptionnelle de par le monde. Gérontologie et société, 38(3), 55–70.
160. Poulain, M., Herm, A., & Pes, G. (2016b). Hot-spots of exceptional longevity around the world. Gerontologie et societe, 38(3), 55–70.
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